This bag has seen better days!
So we cut off the handle. Then we removed the stitching from the back to remove one of the rings and tried to preserve the stitching in the front.
Then used hot glue to put the strap onto the other ring.
Then cut it in half at center back and rounded the edges. Then used a black sharpie to color the raw edges and touch up elsewhere. Then used a little clear drying craft glue the seal the cut edges.
Then we attached a metal snap and that's that.
Miss Patience wanted the medallion from the purse so I cut it off for her and decided to use more of the purse to make this cute cuff. I found the instructions here.
I don't know about it, all I see is a purse strap, but she likes it! We just used what we had, other purses might have better straps. One could embellish this a little, maybe some studs or something.
So we cut off the handle. Then we removed the stitching from the back to remove one of the rings and tried to preserve the stitching in the front.
Then used hot glue to put the strap onto the other ring.
Then cut it in half at center back and rounded the edges. Then used a black sharpie to color the raw edges and touch up elsewhere. Then used a little clear drying craft glue the seal the cut edges.
Then we attached a metal snap and that's that.
Miss Patience wanted the medallion from the purse so I cut it off for her and decided to use more of the purse to make this cute cuff. I found the instructions here.
I don't know about it, all I see is a purse strap, but she likes it! We just used what we had, other purses might have better straps. One could embellish this a little, maybe some studs or something.